# BC 2447 3-05-90 12:12p Source for mathematic program # EXE 6908 3-05-90 12:12p # [+,-,/,or \] #1 #1 ADDRBOOK COM 3380 10-14-90 12:23a Used by UTILMENU program # ANSI COM 2048 12-30-88 2:59p ANSI.SYS commands in a screen file AT BC 1846 2-16-90 8:54a Source for prompted input, placeable AT EXE 6522 10-15-90 12:42p AT r# c# [command] [Prompt] BASEMASK 1969 6-20-90 3:39p Generic mask file for MAKECOM.BAS BATINDEX SYN 5265 2-09-90 10:22a Syntax/index for Batcom's manual BCDEMO BAT 1817 10-15-90 9:34p Ansi.sys needed for this demo BCDEMO2 BAT 1826 10-15-90 9:34p generic demo ^ BIGECHO COM 461 9-12-86 1:31p P.D. program, available via PBS disk CHEKBOX BC 3211 10-15-90 4:43p Source for ansi.sys version checkbox CHEKBOX EXE 7210 10-15-90 4:43p CHEKBOX #r #c [yes/no] CHEKBOX2 BC 3189 10-15-90 4:41p Generic checkbox program source code CHEKBOX2 EXE 7190 10-15-90 4:42p CHEKBOX2 #r #c [yes/no] $ COMTXT BC 2066 10-15-90 10:34a Source to text to .com converter COMTXT EXE 6610 10-15-90 10:35a COMTXT [Textfile.ext] [Newcom] $ COMTXT2 BC 2364 10-15-90 10:34a Same as comtxt, slight difference COPYD BC 2783 2-14-90 12:38p Source to prompting file copy program COPYD EXE 6808 5-15-90 2:50p COPYD [Source] [Destination] DEMO BAT 216 10-15-90 9:09p Chooses between ansi.sys non-ansi.sys & EJECT BAT 703 9-22-88 4:59p Very generic page eject INFO EXE 6120 10-15-90 10:32p INFO [Filespec]/[?] [Drive:] MRUN BC 2994 10-15-90 11:01a Source for FOR..IN..DO workalike MRUN EXE 7302 10-15-90 11:01a MRUN [command] [filespec] PKADD BC 516 10-15-90 10:23p For limited DOS Shell programs only PKADD EXE 2984 10-15-90 10:24p This one was done for DeskMate & SKIP BAT 2783 1-05-89 3:14a Very generic line feed # STATES COM 2048 6-13-89 7:57a Screen .com file of State's abrev's USERS COM 360 10-14-90 12:28a Used by UTILMENU program for safety # UTILMASK COM 2048 2-14-90 11:28a Menu screen mask for UTILMENU UTILMEN2 BC 12697 10-15-90 10:00p Source for non-ansi.sys litebar menu UTILMEN2 EXE 12666 10-15-90 10:10p Non-ansi.sys Lotus style litebar menu UTILMENU BC 12794 10-15-90 10:00p Lotus style litebar source for ansi.sys UTILMENU EXE 12728 10-15-90 10:12p Ansi.sys Lotus style litebar menu @ VIEWING COM 1088 1-07-89 2:24p VIEWING [File.ext] actually BROWSE2 WHATZ COM 355 10-14-90 12:23a Used by UTILMENU program for safety WHOAMI COM 370 10-14-90 12:23a Used by UTILMENU program for safety =============================================================================== @ Renamed PC Magazine utility. BROWSE2.COM {DOS Power Tools/Reup disks} # Created with PC Magazine's MAKECOM.BAS program {DOS Power Tools/Reup disks} $ Adapted from an idea in either PC Mag or PC Resource. This one has safety features builtin. It is better than Wenham's example which is a little awkward. ^ This I got from a Public Brands Software disk. It is what they call Bannerware (free but copyrighted). This disk it comes on has many other similiar echo replacements. & These I did 3 years ago on a Wang PC. I don't recall why I modified them but the real dates were in 1987. =============================================================================== About Wenham Software's BATCOM: They only certify the compiler for an IBM PC along with either PC-DOS 2.x or PC-DOS 3.x. However, I have successfully used it on NEC 80286 (MS-DOS 3.2), Compaq 80286 (MS-DOS 3.3), Tandy 1100FD Laptop (MS-DOS 3.3) and two other off brands I just can't recall. In the programs, I often use ECHO. and ECHO/ for blank lines. Some earlier DOS versions just don't allow this. I have avoided the @command (MS-DOS 3.3 & higher) throughout. Many of these programs are no more than examples of using BATCOM and should be considered as such. I relinguish all rights and responsi- bilities to these programs. They do have a certain amount of safeguards builtin. The AT.BC program is a first draft. In trying to buildin maxi- mum errorchecking along with redirection, I've yet to get it in a pol- ished condition that will fully work regardless of user errors. Since this is the first version (there are three others), it should be used EXACTLY as the syntax screen shows. The one vendor I know of that sells BATCOM is the Programmer's Connection in North Canton, OH. There price is 55 bucks. There catalogs are usually available quarterly at Software, Etc. and B. Daltons. If there are any questions on these files, or if anyone desires a particular type of program within BATCOM's scope, I may have such code available. Felix A. Rozewicz Dbase Programmer/VINES Admin. Housing Devl., City of Columbus 50 W. Gay St., 2nd FL Columbus, OH 43215 Luck,